Title: Lunch in the stars. Posted: Monday, 20 August 2012 @ 11:25 pm |
DOTTI shoulder cut-out blouse, DIOR sunglasses, ROMWE galaxy leggings, DIY galaxy boots |
Unknown said on 21 August 2012 at 05:49
I absolutely love your leggings!
And the cut out shoulder top is so cute xx
Unknown said on 21 August 2012 at 19:29
@Amanda: Thanks, babe! Gonna check yours out now :)
@Laura: Thank youu :) Glad you like it!
Katie Frank said on 22 August 2012 at 21:08
You look amazing, just like from mag <3 would you like to follow each other?
Cassandra Too said on 22 August 2012 at 23:55
You look amazing and these are beautiful pictures! I really like the galaxy prints! :D
Please check backtofive.blogspot.com out! You can also follow me at backtofive's twitter too!
You have to visit Bloggers Against Social Injustice too!
See you there! :D
backtofive's twitter
xoxo backtofive
Akiko said on 23 August 2012 at 14:19
Such cool looking leggings and you look great! xo akiko
Style Imported
lipsy said on 24 August 2012 at 21:05
You are looking so fabulous in all pictures!Love the complete ensemble.
Following you,please follow back to keep in touch through comments!
Jodie said on 25 August 2012 at 22:07
These photos are beautiful, I recently brought some galaxy print leggings but they are not as nice as yours.
Great blog BTW, I'm a new follower, maybe you could follow me back if you like what you see ; ) x x x
Cassandra Too said on 26 August 2012 at 15:31
Hello, I would like to invite you to this new Bloggers Against Social Injustice network!
Play your part, join us and worldwide bloggers to take a stand against social injustices!
You can join the Bloggers Against Social Injustice network today & help us make a difference for those whose voices are not being heard!
There are different events Bloggers Against Social Injustice hosts to help educate and fund change to help end atrocities like sex trafficking (AKA slavery!) but to really turn heads, we need your help!
I really hope to see you there.It's just a click away and you can make this world a better place.
* We have GFC, bloglovin, twitter and FACEBOOK too! ^_^ *
Check the website out today @ http://bloggersagainstsocialinjustice.blogspot.com
Bloggers Against Social Injustice
Unknown said on 26 August 2012 at 23:35
@Katie: Thanks babe; You're too kind! I'm on my way to checking out yours!
@Cassandra: Thanks for dropping by - I'll be sure to check it out asap :)
@Akiko: Thank you <3
@Lipsy: So sweet of you - I'm glad you like it! Will do! Love seeing you around!
@Jodie: aww, thanks babe! It's good to have a mix of different galaxy prints (or as different as they can get)Don't worry!
Elien | dogsanddresses.com said on 27 August 2012 at 19:44
I loooove your leggings! Galaxies are so cool..
xo, Elien
Dogs & dresses | blog
Unknown said on 27 August 2012 at 21:51
@Elien: Thanks! I'm so obsessed over galaxies..
Demi Mist said on 29 August 2012 at 22:30
Hi! Thank you for following my blog.
I have already followed you on GFC. Can you please check if you can see me because I can't see the photos with the followers.
Unknown said on 31 August 2012 at 00:30
@Demi: Yeah, it's because widgets work funny with my classic template :( I can't find you, sweetheart! Perhaps you could try the GFC icon on the sidebar? (I recently added it in!)
said on 31 August 2012 at 10:30
Hahah, cute egg and mayo sandwich!
You look amazing! I love those leggings on you, you can definitely pull them off.
Unknown said on 1 September 2012 at 18:17
@TR: Haha, they're my fav -- thanks, TR :)

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